Gujarat Samachar
This is published in the state of Gujarat, Gujarat Samachar epaper has slowly started gaining recognition truly being the stalwart in Gujarati news.Gujarat Samachar online news can be accessed through this epaper which in hard copy being published from Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, Kutch, Kheda-Anand, North Gujarat and Bhavnagar. It has also got publications from Mumbai and New York (USA). Gta 5 highly compressed 10mb. About Epaper Gujarat Samachar is the Leading daily newspaper in Gujarat. It is published in Gujarati and its main office is in Ahmedabad. It has one branch in Surat as well. Gujarat Samachar has editions from Ahmedabad, Vadodara (Baroda), Surat, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Mumbai and New York. It is the largest read Gujarati daily in India.
Gujarat Samachar Epaper
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